
Rapid Gut & Liver Reset

Restore Your Liver to Heal Your Gut
Repair Your Gut to Reclaim Your Health

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Here at Detox RejuveNation, we help people resolve the root causes behind their chronic symptoms.

So if you're finally ready to stop the endless trial and error, and feel like yourself again... this is for you.

Do any of these gut and liver issues feel familiar?

  • bloating 
  • acid reflux
  • nausea
  • chemical sensitivities
  • skin conditions and rashes
  • food sensitivities
  • brain fog
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • feeling irritable or quick to anger
  • easily overwhelmed
  • excess weight OR underweight
  • constipation or diarrhea
  • histamine sensitivities 
  • difficulty digesting fats
  • discomfort in your upper right quadrant
  • sleep issues
  • chronic inflammation



It's Time to Address the Real Root Causes of Your Health Issues so Your Body Can Heal Itself

Rapid GUT Reset is the ONLY program of its kind that helps you to:

✓ Remove the hidden stressors and power drains that keep your body from healing itself 

✓ Rebuild the gut from top to bottom, mouth to colon

✓ Reset the microbiome to heal gut motility 

✓ Support liver and lymph flow

✓ Reduce your fatigue and anxiety overnight

✓ End the day with energy to spare

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Introducing Rapid Gut Reset...

Our Proven 3-Step System To Finally Stop the Cycle of Irritation and Flares Slowing Down Your Healing & Digestion Distress, Brain Fog, & Fatigue. 

Stop poking the bruise.

Remove surprising irritants: foods that are marketed as healthy, additives hiding in your supplements, toxins slip in and stop your body from healing itself.

Your gut needs these quick switches & simple swaps. 

Help your body let go without stressing out. 

Restart your digestion drainage to fix toxin-caused stagnation, release colon, instestine, and liver stagnation. Begin dissolving the “bad” bacteria and parasites that have set up colonies to sequester and store toxins for your body. 

Reclaim energy and clarity as you rebuild.

Heal your gut lining with this simple, customizable protocol to finally absorb your nutrients, decrease stress, clear up brain fog, and ease digestion. 

Normal bowel movements, here you come.  


Plus, You'll be Totally Supported So You Don't Have to Do This Alone.    

Make lasting changes with our help. Get your complex questions answered, problem solve, and learn our tips and tricks to make the most of your protocol & individualize it to your needs. You'll be a part of our community that's growing and healing together.

Here's What Experts Are Saying

Detox Rejuvenation™️

“I’m very impressed by what Sinclair and Michael have put together: VERY cutting edge. Absolutely nothing else like it out there!
I can already feel that it’s been a game changer for me
(and probably for everyone else who follows through).”

women's health expert, multiple New York Times best-selling author, one of Oprah's Super Soul 100

Detox Rejuvenation™️

“ I was wrecked with severe chronic fatigue, gut pain and bloating that was so unbearable and almost career-ending. I spent a significant amount of money bouncing from physician to physician to get well with nothing to show for it.

Since working with Michael & Sinclair, in a short amount of time I’ve had bigger and better results following their system than with any other protocol. Within weeks I was starting to feel like an actual human being again. This is everything.”

Millennial Health

Detox Rejuvenation™️

“When you find healers who know exactly what to do and sincerely “get it” there is a wave of relief that runs through your being. That is how I felt the first time I met Sinclair and Michael. They have not disappointed. They have exceeded my high expectations consistently. What a blessing to have finally found them!”

TV host, author of Healing SIBO, creator behind the docuseries Digestion SOS: Rescue and Relief for IBS, SIBO, and Leaky Gut

We’re Sinclair and Michael, and we struggled for decades with our own mysterious, untreatable misdiagnosed conditions.  We had to become our own experts at removing toxic stressors in order to heal.

Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC is an award winning expert on resolving chronic digestive conditions, EMF trainer, nutrition consultant, sought after speaker, and CEO of Detox Rejuvenation.
Michael Spandel is Chief Research Officer and co-founder of Detox RejuveNation, EMF trainer, and expert resolving root causes of chronic illness.
Both Sinclair and Michael began their careers helping people in mental health, and became too chronically ill to continue running their practices. Years of visiting specialists provided no answers - so Michael searched 5 continents for solutions. He discovered that heavy metals, mold, chemical exposures and EMFs had made them sick. Their health improved as they began to address these root causes. They've now helped thousands of clients and students to do the same.
Sinclair & Michael

Join Rapid Gut Reset  by April 14, 2022, and we'll include Rapid Liver Reset for FREE ($397 value).

Read below to find out what's included.

Rapid Gut Reset $1497  (Regularly $2497)

When you sign up by April 5, 2022 we'll include Rapid Liver Reset for FREE!

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Rapid Liver Reset $397

Purchase separately or get it for free when you purchase Rapid Gut Reset.  

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What's Included In Rapid Gut Reset: Our Simple 3 Step System

Everything you need to break the cycle of chronic inflammation, irritation, and flares. Let's reset your gut for good!

First Meeting is on 4/19/22 plus early access to the course materials.

  • Easy Food Filters to personalize the perfect food plan for your symptoms
  • Release Old Food and Stored Colon Material
  • Dissolve Biofilms 
  • Reseal Your Gut Lining protocol
  • Rebuild Your Microbiome to maintain itself 
  • Reclaim Deep Sleep training
    • Weekly in-depth  training for you that unpacks each week's focus, and how to easily apply it to yourself
    • Short videos that highlight key aspects of each week's focus
    • Helpful protocol cheat sheets and fast fixes checklists
    • Q and A sessions 
    • Resolve Lymph Stagnation tips and tools

BONUS: Private Community Group

This is the place for you to ask questions, share your progress, and connect with your peers. We have amazing students who are so good at sharing tips with each other!

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What's Included In Rapid Liver Reset

4 Week Course. Early access to course materials. First class meets on 4/21/22.

  • Safely Dissolve Your Stones Protocol
  • Topicals and Suppositories: how to take pills when you can't take pills
  • Liver Supportive Nutrition: weed out the "healthy" foods that irritate your liver and gallbladder
  • Enema Recipe Book: How to get fast relief and deep healing for a wide range of issues
  • Detox Therapies for every level of sensitivity & liver/gbcongestion
  • Choose Your Intensity Liver Flushes: No Flush-Flush, Baby Flush, and Deep Flush options
  • Weekly in-depth  training for you that unpacks each week's focus, and how to easily apply it to yourself
  • Short videos that highlight key aspects of each week's focus
  • Helpful protocol cheat sheets and fast fixes checklists 
  • Private community group - we have amazing students who are so good at sharing tips with each other!

Detox Rejuvenation™️

“Packed full of actionable tips. I thought I was stuck with my histamine food issues for life and my liver flares were starting to scare me. I felt relief in the first week! Thank you for the way you laid everything out. You made it easy. Grateful for you!!”

founder, Doula Academy

Detox Rejuvenation™️

“I have literally gotten out thousands of liver and gallstones with Sinclair and Michael's protocols. This has been a gamechanger for me in every area of my life.

I had no idea just how much my liver and gut issues were affecting me until I finally got out from under them. This is seriously worth it.”

cofounder, Thiefels Consulting

Detox Rejuvenation™️

“Best decision I made this year was doing your program! I've tried so many detoxes and cut out so many foods I was at the end of my rope. I needed to hear the way you explained it all, it finally made sense to me why the other things I had tried just hadn't worked.

I'm less reactive, have more energy, and I continue to see improvement. Thank you Sinclair!”

CEO, Powers Media

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Early Bird Special...  Sign up for Rapid Gut Reset by April 3rd & We'll Include Rapid Liver Reset

This limited time offer is a fantastic opportunity to get a total gut reset and liver-gallbladder support all included. You must sign up by April 5, 2022 to get this special offer. 

 Only Need Liver Support? Start with the Rapid Liver Reset

Rapid Liver Reset


For those starting with liver-gallbladder support
4 Easy Modules
Liver Gallbladder Support for All Levels:
  1. Gentle Progress
  2. Ultra Sensitive
  3. Deep Cleanse

Most Popular --> Get Both Courses

Rapid Gut Reset AND Rapid Liver Reset


Or 3 payments of $497
For a limited time get both Rapid Gut Reset & Rapid Liver Reset
  1. 8 Easy Modules
  2. 8 Weeks of Training Calls
  3. Protocol Cheat Sheets
  4. Fast Fixes Checklists

+ Plus... 

Rapid Liver Reset 4 Week Course

Must sign up by 4/14/22 to get this special offer 

30-Day Risk-Free Guarantee

We know our methods work, and we proudly stand behind them. You should feel noticeable improvements whether you're just getting started healing chronic digestive symptoms, or you're ready to do deep work for lasting healing.

If you do the work, show us your results within 30 days of enrolling, and you’re still not satisfied, we’ll gladly give you a refund. It's that simple!

Brilliance is your natural state. Joy is your birthright.


How to know if you’re ready to reset your digestion, release your liver and gallbladder stagnation, and reclaim your energy:

  1. You're just getting started on your detox journey, and you want to do it the right way with protocols that are science-based and actually work.
  2. You've been working on your health for a while, and are committed to releasing your chronic symptoms and through deep work.
  3. You're already eating well, taking care of yourself, and taking supplements, but you're not seeing the progress that you expected. You've plateaued and you want solutions that last.
  4. You're freaked out by the 1,000,000 toxicant particles coming at your body every day, and the 20,000 different chemical substances that your body is housing and has to work hard to manage.
  5. You're ready for more ENERGY and want to amplify your divine spark. 
  6. You know that no one's going to do this for you. You're in the driver's seat, and you're the one that decides how good you get to have it.

If you said Yes to any of these, we look forward to seeing you inside Rapid Gut Reset

Early Bird Offer Ends Soon....

Sign Up by April 14th, 2022, to Get Rapid Gut Reset 

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And We'll Include Rapid Liver Reset for FREE!

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